Existing historic buildings will be preserved in their present context to the greatest extent possible following the Secretary of Interior's Standards for Historic Preservation Projects.
The warehouse portion of the mill building will be arranged as an interpretive center featuring several modes of presentation such as video, hands-on, displays, graphics photographs and models historic artifacts.
Guides in authentic period dress and appropriate interpretive training will lead visitors through the museum in a controlled setting with narration interspersed with questions and answers to enhance the transfer of information. These elements will provide a multi-cultural, interactive learning experience which can be modified to suit specific groups taking the tour.
Other portions of the site development will be in a less structured setting. Visitors may visit the three historic utility buildings while waiting for their tour to start or visit after completion of their tour. The mill owner's house, a restored 1904 Queen Anne style, is closed ot the public.
A natural area east of the millrace contains an environmental restoration project which may be visited and observed.
Seasonal special events may be scheduled.