August to December 1900
Excerpted from USGS Reports
The Gold Belt of the Blue Mountains
of Oregon
by Waldemar Lindgren
Quartzville District
--Placer Deposits--
The Dixie Creek placer mines were discovered about 1862, and were reported rich, though no data as to production are at hand. Raymond's report for 1870 contains the statement that at that time there were 100 white men and 200 Chinamen employed, and that the fine, scaly gold was 860 fine. In 1873 the creek is reported as turned over to Chinese labor. In 1882 two small hydraulic plants were in operation, producing $30,000 {mint report}. At the present time very little placer mining is done.
The placers consist of the gravels accumulated in the present creek to a depth of 10 or 15 feet. The workings extend upstream from Prairie for 5 miles, or to the entrance of the diorite canyon, where the grade becomes very steep. The width of the gravel covered river bottom is from 300 to 800 feet, the whole of which has been worked.
Six miles east of Prairie are the old Spanish Diggings, which have yielded a moderate amount of gold. The upper end of John Day Valley contains no placers. On the east side of Dixie Butte are the old placers of Happy Camp, still worked on a small scale by Chinese. Northwest of the same mountains are the Ruby Creek placers, still worked by whites and Chinese. Small placers are also reported from the head of Camp Creek.
These stories are available to our electronic readers as part of our contribution to the information available on the Internet. We're interested in hearing from you especially if you've been to Eastern Oregon, the Wallowas, the Blues, or if you know of Prof. Lindgren and his trips to the many other gold camps in the West. These stories are available to our electronic readers as part of our contribution to the information available on the Internet. We hope you enjoy the stories and if you have questions or comments please send a message to editor, Keith Whittle
More on Waldemar Lindgren:
[Editor's Introduction | "Gold Belt of Eastern Oregon"]Read our other gold mining editions:
[Sumpter, Oregon 1900 | Gold Seekers Rush to California]
[ Oregon: Land of Gold & Opportunity | Dequille Reports from the Comstock]
Bridget E. Smith, editor & publisher
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Historical Gazette
Published in Portland, Oregon
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